Sister Bee

is a feel-good documentary about beekeepers and honeybees.


Marjorie McLellan, 1925 – 2010

"You know, you reach a time in your life when you're not trying to impress.  You just want to get along."     - Marge McLellan

“You know, you reach a time in your life when you’re not trying to impress. You just want to get along.”
- Marge McLellan

Marjorie McLellan, the older beekeeper in Sister Bee, passed away on Friday, July 16th.

The above quote is one I treasure from Sister Bee. It’s a tricky one that I didn’t get at first though did feel it was important when Marge first said it because her tone shifted markedly from lighthearted self-deprecation to solemnity. My first thought was that it had something to do with resignation and the giving up or softening of one’s opinions/principles/stridency with age. Today I feel differently. I think she was talking about an opening that comes with maturity. When we’re young there’s so much to prove! But as we age and gain confidence it’s possible to take a break from “trying to impress” to listen and appreciate what others have to say.

Marge McLellan modeled graceful aging for me. She was a dear friend and mentor to many. I miss her already.

– Laura

Marge McLellan using the uncapping knife on a frame of honey

Marge McLellan using the uncapping knife on a frame of honey

Marge McLellan walking with her garden cart

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