This year has been the biggest head-scratcher for beekeeping for me in all the years I’ve bee-kept. One hive started strong and ended stronger. Another hive started weak and stayed weak. And I re-queened it. I went through it. I looked. I kept finding eggs and everything looked fine. I’d close it up, I’d look again. It made two frames of honey. That is all. I have no idea.
– Suzanne Connolly Howes

People say that beekeepers are weird but I don’t think so. No, the beekeepers I know are actually all very different.
– Mery Molenaar

I don’t ever remember not wanting to keep bees. So I can’t really remember how I came to it. It was just from the garden.
– Julie Finley

It takes a certain amount of strength. And that’s my one problem because I’m not large. Being a smaller woman, it’s hard but you can figure out ways to do just about all of it.
– Marge McLellan

Honey: it transports me backwards. I can’t even explain it. It all tastes differently depending on what kind of flower sources are used. Whatever my bees have is what tastes really good to me.
– Ruth Eastman

I started walking around the farm and noticing that at ten in the morning they were in the eucalyptus tree. And at two in the afternoon they were in the garden with the raspberries. And I started realizing that flowers flower at different times. Which makes perfect sense for the bees because if the flowers all flowered at the same time their pollination would get messed up. So the flowers are very clever and the bees follow that.
– Suzanne Connolly Howes

They’re getting a little mad now. Can you hear that? They’re getting loud. Fed up with me bugging them.
– Mery Molenaar

If you can be in the moment once in a while you actually can get lost in it.
– Patricia Butler

The queen is moving and the whole yard is just a cloud of bees and I’ve stood in the middle of that and they just go by me.
– Suzanne Connolly Howes

I don’t know if I told you this before, how we inherited the hives? Well, my husband had a friend that he worked with who was transferred to Zaire in Africa. He said, “I’ll give you my two beehives.” So we went over and picked them up. I didn’t know a thing about bees or anything . . . We put the beehives in the back of the truck but we didn’t secure them with any bungee cords or anything around them so they wouldn’t come apart. And of course they came apart. (Fortunately we didn’t go on U.S. 36. We went on the back roads.) But by the time we got here the cab of the truck was just full of bees. I jumped out and they came in the house right away. He (my husband) came in and soon we found out he was allergic to bees because he was swollen all over and it was bad. We had to go to the doctor and everything. Se we just sort of ignored the beehives that were out there and we didn’t do anything. He didn’t get near them.
After he passed away I thought, hmm . . . I’m kind of interested in bees. So I started becoming more interested in reading about them. And then I had a friend that was a beekeeper and that was how I just started learning.
– Marge McLellan

They’re such beautiful creatures in the garden. When you watch them on the sunflower, or you just watch what they’re doing, they’re really intent and focused . . . They’re benevolent when you’re working with them.
– Julie Finley

I knew very, very little about beekeeping . . . And I did not know any beekeepers when I was growing up. But I just thought it was fascinating and I had the time and wanted to know more about it. It’s been a wonderful experience.
– Mery Molenaar

I didn’t know any beekeepers when I was growing up. I just thought it was fascinating and I had the time and I wanted to know more about it. I wanted to learn something new.
– Mery Molenaar

Last year I had both hives swarm. This year I thought, I won’t make that mistake. But I’m still learning. And I’m sure I always will.
– Patricia Butler

My career is teaching environmental science . . . and of all the programs I’ve ever created, the one that I know has the most impact on people is the bee program because they’re such amazing animals. It helps draw people out of themselves and into an awareness and appreciation of something else.
– Suzanne Connolly Howes

Beekeeping takes my thoughts away from me and gives them more to something else.
– Marge McLellan

We’re in these little cubicles and we’re on cell phones all the time and we’re really divorced from the natural world. And an experience of the environment is something people look for on the weekend on their mountain bike or extreme kayaking or whatever. I just realized for myself I need that every day. And so coming to the garden is how I decided to make that fit into my life.
– Julie Finley

One of the things that’s fascinating to me is how then can be so intent on what they’re doing. Their whole life is committed to getting pollen and nectar. And the nurse bees, before they go out into the field they’re raising the new bees, caring for the larvae, feeding them. I’m just amazed at the world of bees.
– Ruth Eastman

With a demonstration hive it’s wonderful to see the bees crawl around and to see actual living animals in there.
– Mery Molenaar

The ability to work with these insects and feel their rhythms, to know what they’re going to do before they do it so you can anticipate swarming, for example, and just being in touch with this fascinating little community, is part of what I mean.
– Patricia Butler